Copy That Sells Blog
Why blend in when you can stand out with a different business story?
The other day, I was walking along the River Test, near where I live in Hampshire, UK and I saw a beautiful blue trout. It stood out among the other brown trout for which this part of the river is famous. Its iridescent scales shimmered below the water’s surface in the early evening sunshine.
My 5 stage storytelling process for killing the procrastination monster – Part 2
Last month I wrote a blog about how my Procrastination Monster has stalked me for many years. It’s sabotaged me from doing what I was put on this earth to do. I settled for a hollow life of joyless jobs and plans half-baked. I was a shadow puppet on the side-lines, afraid to follow my heart and play my part. Not any more!
My 5 stage storytelling process for killing the procrastination monster – Part 1
All my life I have struggled with Procrastination. Faced with a daunting task like a presentation, I would prevaricate for hours searching for the ‘perfect powerpoint template’. A straightforward task would reach monstrous proportions! In fact, the Procrastination...
Tough lessons learned at the coalface in my first year as a business owner
Last year I made a momentous decision. I decided to set up my business 'Copy That Sells'. I closed a long chapter in the corporate world, to embark on an exciting new journey to help smaller companies discover and embrace their own particular brand of business story,...
10 Storytelling heroes who are the best in my book – who are yours?
We all need a hero. From David Bowie’s ‘We can be heroes just for one day” and Bonnie Tyler’s “I am holding out for a hero” to Queen’s “Flash, Flash, I love you, but we only have fourteen hours to save the Earth”, we are seeking someone insuperable to save us from our...
5 Lucrative reasons to tell your business story now
It’s a fact in business, subliminal or not, that we purchase products and services on the strengths of the person who is selling them. If their values and experiences (pain, joy, failures and successes) resonate with ours, we might forego a shiny new feature to buy...